The Italian Party renews its delegation to the Scientific and Technical Committee (STC) of the Pelagos Agreement

The Italian delegation to the Scientific and Technical Committee of the Pelagos Agreement is renewed.

The composition of this delegation is set out below:

  • Dr Caterina Maria Fortuna, Senior Researcher at ISPRA, is also appointed as Head of delegation;
  • Dr Giuseppina Corrente, representative of the Ministry of Environment and Energy Security;
  • Dr Arianna Azzellino, Associate Professor at the Politecnico of Milan;
  • Dr Cristina Panti, Researcher at the University of Siena;
  • Dr Paola Tepsich, Researcher at CIMA Foundation.

The first two members were appointed respectively by the Institute for Environmental Protection and Research (ISPRA) and the General Directorate for Natural Heritage and the Sea of the Ministry of Environment and Energy Security; the other members were selected through a call for expression of interest addressed to experts from the public and private sectors and NGOs.

The new delegation will take office on February 15th 2023.

We thank Dr Giancarlo Lauriano, Professor Maria-Cristina Fossi and Dr Simone Panigada for their scientific and technical support to the Agreement over the past years.

The authorities of the Agreement and the Permanent Secretariat wish the new delegation all the best in its work.

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