Discover the marine mammals’ world of the Pelagos Sanctuary

To ensure a favourable conservation status of marine mammals by protecting them

and their habitats from direct or indirect negative impacts of human activities

An educational game about the saveguard of marine biodiversity

Help Sebastian to solve puzzles, find clues, and accomplish his scientific mission in order to help marine mammals of the Pelagos Sanctuary.

Sos Pelagos Sanctuary is an escape game that combines elements of problem-solving, critical thinking, and immersive storytelling to create an engaging and interactive experience.


Download and print the Official Pelagos Poster

Take on a stimulating challenge by attempting puzzles and games relating to the Pelagos Sanctuary. Download the Junior Ambassador Kit, print it, grab a penand have fun! 


Embark in a virtual adventure exploring the Pelagos Sanctuary her its creatures in the virtual world. Along your journey you will discover the extraordinary biodiversity of the Pelagos ecosystem, encounter a variety of marine mammals, from pods of dolphins to the world’s second largest animal, the fin whale, as well as the threats they have to deal with!

This virtual journey is intended to be immersive and interactive and has a purely educational purpose: to show the widest possible audience the beauty of the Pelagos Sanctuary and raise awareness of its protection.

Photos credits :
The work on the cover was created by Alberti Arts as part of the AME G5 project with the children of the Saint-Charles school in Monacoo