Signing of a Memorandum of Understanding with CoNISMa

Within the framework of the cooperation activities foreseen in the 2022-2027 Management Plan and in the related Programmes of Work, a new collaboration with CoNISMa (National Inter-University Consortium for Marine Sciences) has been finalised  through the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding!

The signing of such a MoU represents a joint commitment to establish a collaboration framework with the aim to strengthen the support to scientific research and the international cooperation to achieve the general objectives of the Pelagos Agreement for the conservation of marine mammals and their habitats in the Pelagos Sanctuary.

The main areas of collaboration will be:

  • identification of research lines and technical-scientific analyses as subject for dissertations;
  • evaluation of joint European and international project proposals;
  • involvement in scientific publications and communication, education and awareness raising material;
  • collection and/or sharing of data of interest.

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