Side event at the closing of the 15th STC
Side event at the closing of the 15th STC
Side event at the closing of the 15th STC
A Side Event concerning projects of interest to the Pelagos Agreement and to the Particularly Sensitive Sea Area (PSSA) was held at the end of the 15th Scientific and Technical Committee of the Pelagos Agreement (Monaco, September 12th 2023).
Doctor Paola Tepsich (CIMA Research Foundation) presented the training addressed to shipping companies’ staff in the framework of the “Life CONCEPTU MARIS” project. The training aims to mitigate the risk of collision and raise awareness of the importance of conserving biodiversity.
Doctor Alex Mitchell (OceanWise), Coordinator of the “Whale Report Alert System” (WRAS), presented this tool which sends alerts to commercial mariners when the boats are within 10 miles of a whale’s detection. WRAS is widely used by the sailors in the Port of Vancouver, that thanks to this tool can increase their vigilance and slow down to avoid shipstrikes. This technological tool fetches data from multiple sources, including hydrophones, partners’ observation networks and citizen scientists using the Ocean Wise Whale Report mobile application.
Doctor Andrea Barbanti (CNR-ISMAR) presented the project MSP4BIODIVERSITY. The aim of this project is to create a dynamic and interdisciplinary knowledge framework, to support national maritime spatial planning processes based on the protection of biodiversity, taking into account the ecological, economic and social aspects of the Pelagos Sanctuary.
The Pelagos Agreement recognizes the importance of these projects for the area, also in terms of lessons learned, and thanks the speakers for their inspiring presentations.
Click here to learn more about these tools and download their presentations.