Periodic review of the Pelagos Sanctuary as a SPAMI
Periodic review of the Pelagos Sanctuary as a SPAMI
Periodic review of the Pelagos Sanctuary as a SPAMI
Last January 14th, the Technical Advisory Committee for the renewal of the status of Specially Protected Area of Mediterranean Importance (SPAMI) of the Pelagos Sanctuary was held at the headquarters of the Pelagos Agreement in the Principality of Monaco.
The international experts, supported by the national SPA/BD Focal Points of the Barcelona Convention’s Regional Activity Centre for Specially Protected Areas, assessed the progress made since 2019.
The results of the ordinary periodic review drawn up during the Commission will be presented at the 17th Meeting of the SPA/BD Focal Points for Specially Protected Areas of the Barcelona Convention, to be held in May 2025. Finally, COP24 of the Barcelona Convention, to be held in December 2025 in Egypt, will decide on the renewal of SPAMI status for the Pelagos Sanctuary.
The Sanctuary, the only international marine protected area dedicated to the protection of marine mammals in the Mediterranean, has been included on the Barcelona Convention’s list of SPAMIs since 2001, and its status is renewed every 6 years.